Family Life

Keeping up with the Joneses at Christmas!

I’ve never been one to make a huge fuss about birthdays and Christmas. I do like to make things special but don’t go over the top, spend vast sums of money or verge on the ridiculous! As I’ve gotten older, I care less and less about what other people think and simply aim to tick all the necessary boxes when it come to festive celebrations without breaking the bank. We have a tree, a Christmas wreath on the door and some lights across the garage, all the necessities, done!

Buzymum - Keeping up with the Joneses at Christmas!

There are houses in our area that ‘go to town’ on decorating their properties; they must spend a small fortune on electricity over the festive period. Some are beautifully done, well thought out, classy affairs, others are a monstrosity of mismatched, multi-coloured, garishness that make me cringe! The kids however, love them all and as ‘it’s all about the kids’ any effort to be festive and fun will be appreciated by them!

Buzymum - OTT festive garden lights!

 This year however, I’ve been hoodwinked! J has been manipulated by the kids (or maybe it was the other way around!) and been convinced that our usual few twinkly lights at the front of the house are inadequate! Apparently, with other houses on our road boasting whole scenes of Christmas in lights, this just wouldn’t do, we have to up our game! While I was at work, they went shopping around several garden centers and a few well-known department stores, looking for ideas to sell to me on my return. I was bombarded with images of snowmen, presents, reindeer and Santa, lights on the roof, in the garden and around the driveway. I nearly choked at the prices of some of these illuminating centerpieces, questioning my husband’s sanity as he and the children continued to sway me into the light!! I rolled my eyes and mumbled my protests but they gradually wore me down and before I knew it, a herd of reindeer was being assembled in our living room! Yes a herd! We obviously couldn’t just get one- it would be lonely! We had to have five, representing our family, mummy, daddy and three children, all in our tiny front garden!

Buzymum - Reindeer in the living room!

 At this point I had to embrace it! Money had been spent and it was four against one. If we were going to do this, it had to be good. No multi-coloured monstrosities allowed! The Urie lights were going to be bright yet under-stated, balanced and classy, filling the garden with a Christmassy sparkle……..we needed more lights! I headed down to the garden centre the following morning, to purchase some more, a simple job, you would think? Warm glow, golden glow, cool white, cluster lights, led lights, 5 settings, 3 settings, multifunction, multicolour, candle bulbs, indoor, outdoor, the list goes on! I stood, looking at the different strings of lights displayed on the wall, all flashing out of time with each other, showing off their setting capabilities in a crazy disco display and sending me into a hypnotic trance. I’m honestly not sure how long I stood there before an older couple nearly took me out with their trolley as they argued about the size of the tree they had just collected (said tree was blocking their vision and she failed to guide him around me!), and I was brought back to reality with a bash to the bum! With a 50% off voucher in hand (thank goodness as those things are expensive!!), I decided on the longest string of cool white lights they had and headed off to the tills.

 Back at home, the kids and I arranged the reindeer while J hung the lights. After half an hour of swapping and changing, we finally decided on their positioning, plugged everything in and waited for darkness.

 Buzymum - The final Christmas garden lights!

I don’t think this picture really does it justice, but for our little front garden, it’s perfect! I’m sure our little family of reindeer will be happy here over the Christmas period and will definitely ensure that Father Christmas doesn’t miss our house this year!!

How far have you gone with your festive decor this year? Do you spend a fortune and try to out-do your neighbours? Is there a house nearby, famous for their festive lights or is yours ‘that house’?



Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

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10 thoughts on “Keeping up with the Joneses at Christmas!

  1. I went crazy on Christmas decorations a few years ago for inside our little house when it was my turn to host Christmas so I thought I had a lot. Now we have a baby and live in a bigger family home I’ve realised I don’t really have that much. My husband said no to a door wreath and no to Christmas lights, I don’t know how people can be bothered or afford to do the whole lights display but it is wonderful for the children. #ablogginggoodtime

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We’re total party poopers and don’t do any outdoor lights…or decorations. :/ I’m hoping to change that soon and make some! I’ve been really into making things with wood lately. 🙂 #fabfridaypost

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  3. I actually love the illuminations of it all – though I don’t think I have enough money or energy to implement the extra effort. I think your reindeers looks great. The problem is you’ll have to get the reindeers some other company for next year and the year after. haha – only joking. 😉 Have fun while your at it. It what makes the kids happy – why not?! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing with us on #FabFridayPost

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  4. Looks beautiful. We’ve never decorated the outside of our house, to be honest I wouldn’t have a clue where to start, but thankfully our immediate neighbours don’t either so we don’t look like complete grouches x


  5. Love that there’s a reindeer for each person in your family – so cute! If there’s ever a time to do something like this it’s at Christmastime. Happy holidays to you! #KCACOLS

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project

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  6. We don’t have any outdoor lights. I do have a tree and decorations down stairs but nothing in bedrooms but I try to keep it the same for our big lad. I do love driving around looking at the Christmas houses when we are in the UK. In Holland it is becoming more popular too but it is nowhere near as big! Thank you for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRT 🌟

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  7. Oh your reindeer are so pretty! I love them! We don’t put any lights or decorations on the outside of our house, but out next door neighbours do and part of their front garden is right next to our path so we get to enjoy them without putting in any effort ourselves, haha! x #KCACOLS

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