Education · Family Life

Overcoming Dyslexic Difficulties

**Warning** soppy post alert! Proud mummy gets mushy!!!

The word ‘proud’ isn’t strong enough to describe how I feel about K’s latest school report. It was just an end of term brief really, stating how much they have progressed, attitude to learning and where they are in relation to what is expected for their age, in table format with no airs or graces.

Buzymum - Overcoming dyslexic difficulties

Since school had stepped up a notch in year 5 and she was officially diagnosed dyslexic with attention deficit, K’s confidence had taken a knock and my once confident, bouncy and enthusiastic girl was struggling to progress. She has always been a ‘teacher pleaser’ so I knew that she wanted to do well, it just seemed so unfair that she had to put in twice as much work than everyone else to reach the same goal and as she was getting older, she was realising that too. Where some children (her sister included) can simply look at a list of words, write them out once and get them all right, she can spend fifteen minutes each evening for a week, with ten words, using various methods to learn them and still only retain eight out of the ten! We’ve been told the the new curriculum is weighted heavily on spelling and that there are no concessions for dyslexic children in the year six SATS, so the pressure has really been on to try to bring K up to speed. She has had a specialist tutor for over a year now and we’ve recently started with a learning difficulties, touch-typing group, both of which have been amazing at building K’s confidence and facilitating her learning. I knew that she was making improvements but I also know that there is no quick-fix and that real progress would take time. I was therefore completely blown away by the extent of her progression, to the point of being reduced to tears! (Tears are something I do not shed lightly- the children didn’t know what to do!) Not only was her attitude excellent but her progress was beyond expectations in both reading and writing, with her level being above that for her age in reading! Only just over a year ago, her reading age was way below her age which was one of the main reasons for suspecting dyslexia, so to hear that she is now above where she should be, in such a short space of time, made me burst with pride!

K has worked so hard and gone through so much over the past year, she has more than earned her reward of success. Her confidence has grown again and her talent and love of creative writing continues to impress. Unfortunately, she is still only at the beginning of her journey and there will be hurdles put in her way in the future, but for now, we are simply pleased to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and we are, at last, on the right road to getting there.

Buzymum - K being pleased by her report

As a parent of a child with learning difficulties, I’ve found this process more than a little frustrating at times. J has been more sympathetic to the way K learns as he has similar difficulties himself. It’s taken most of the past year for me to really get to grips with how K’s brain works and I don’t think I’ve even really scratched the surface! There is however, only so much you can do to help and provide support, the rest is up to them.

Do you have a child with learning difficulties? How have you found the journey so far with regards to resources available to you and support from your child’s school or local groups/ tutors? I’d love to hear about how you have helped you child overcome difficulties like dyslexia.

Diary of an imperfect mum
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

17 thoughts on “Overcoming Dyslexic Difficulties

  1. Oh I loved this post. You deserve to be proud. It sounds to me like you had all the support in place at school, at home and externally through tutors and with a hard working girl too she was bound to make progress. It is a shame that you have to fight/wait for these things to be put in progress though as I have found with my autistic son, in the beginning it felt like fire fighting, things only happened when he exploded! Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It’s such a relief to know progress is finally being made. Sometimes it just feels like I’m trying to push treacle up a hill with a sharp stick!! Xx


  2. You should be so so proud! Go her! My daughters only 2.5 so no idea if she is dyslexic yet. I am, I never got diagnosed in school, I worked so so so hard, and my mom put in a ridiculous amount of hours with me (I remember learning to tell the time HUGELY challenging!) it took me way longer then anyone else to get stuff and process it. When I asked for dyslexia tests in secondary school, teachers told me I was just slow. When I went to college I got sent for a test and diagnosed within 2 weeks. This meant I got help with writing, I wasn’t forced to read out loud in front of people, I got all the handouts on coloured paper (made a huge difference!). Diagnosis suddenly makes it a lot easier and it just makes sense, and nice to know I wasn’t just slow! It also helped to explain why I’m disorganised and why I lose stuff ALL the time! With the help I got as an adult, I’ve finally got enough confidence to start a blog – never thought writing would be a possibility at all! I think its so great there are these learning tools available now, so good to hear that they help too. Best of luck in the future with her, sounds like she’s doing so well, and has a fantastic attitude!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much 😊 My hubby was only diagnosed at uni and had a similar experience to you. It’s great that there is so much more help these days – finding it is the tricky part! Hopefully your daughter won’t have inherited the difficulties but there are benefits too as Dyslexic people are often really creative and have the ability to see things from a direction than anyone else. Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done K. She sounds like a very determined little girl and it’s obvious how proud of her you are.
    My brother has learning difficulties. He struggled in school until they found a method which suited him. Since then he’s come on in leaps and bounds!
    One thing I am surprised by is that there is not allowance for dyslexia in SATS. This really shocked me.
    It sounds like K is doing brilliant and I really hope she does well in her exams. #KCACOLS

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  4. First of all, a Big Well Done to K! What an amazing achievement! She has worked so hard for it and it is great to see that her hard work is paying back. I am also dyslexic and I find that extra 1-1 with a specialist really help me get through a lot. I actually wasn’t diagnose until quite late (around 14 years old), as they couldn’t tell if it was the language barrier thing or not. I am glad K was spotted earlier on. What fantastic news! Keep it up K! I am so pleased for you. Proud Mummy Cheers! XXX

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful news with us on #FabFridayPost

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  5. Congratulations! We spent ages arguing with the school because we knew the Tubblet had dyslexia and they weren’t having it. We tried vision therapy as the problem was the way she tracked words. That and the filters she wears on her glasses have really helped. We had to pay though as only specialist options do it and it’s not available on the NHS. Good luck! 🙂 I appreciate how hard it is to get the right help

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  6. Well done K and h school for the diagnosis. I have 2 diagnosed at primary but it has been ignored at secondary and I now have one in year 10 likely to come away with next to no GCSE’s, yet to talk to him he is very smart. Go for all the help you can get. #KCACOLS

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  7. I can imagine how proud you are. My son had severe learning difficulties, he can still barely read or write at the age of 18, but he is doing a collage course to help with that. I found it so frustrating trying to get him the help he needed. Even though he is still very behind the fight was worth it to see him happy and confident in his life.

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  8. I hope both she and you are over the moon and super proud. Having a supportive and loving parent is so essential. I am very dyslexic, because my reading was always above as a child and 30 years ago it wasn’t really so well recognised it did not get picked up, my writing was always messy and I cold not fathom spellings. My teachers were so hard and I ended up with A and B grades but I spend every waking moment studying and trying. Thankfully I got to uni and they realised immediately along with my dyspraxia (I was born 3 months early which often partners it). Given the write guidance and technology I whizzed through with a first. She will do amazing with you there to fight for her. Thank you for linking to #KCACOLS we hope to see you next Sunday xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! The hard work is paying off! I’m sure you can sympathise with the difficulties we’ve been faced with as you are going through it too. You’re lucky your school has the funding to provide help, I hope she continues to thrive! Xx


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