
How To Regain Body Confidence As A Mum

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If you are a new mum, or even if your kids have grown up, it can be easy to feel alienated by your body. In this post, we are looking at how to regain body confidence as a mum. Although your body has done something totally magical by growing and birthing your amazing kids, it can still be very easy to hate it after having them. Your new shape might make you self conscious, lowering your self esteem and making you feel uncomfortable in your skin. 

Does any of that relate to you as a mum? If so, you’re in the right place. In this post, we will discuss how to get your confidence back – and, spoiler alert, it isn’t just about losing baby weight.

Are you ready to feel like an empowered mama? Let’s get started!

Focus on what you can control, and let go of the rest…

One of the surprising things about becoming a mum is the loss of control. Your body expands and shifts and once the baby arrives, you have little control over how your life changes. Your days and nights are spent attending to your little one, and you have very few moments to reflect on how you feel. It’s an amazing, whirlwind experience – but it can make you feel disconnected from your body.

Rather than pushing back against this loss of control, it is important to let go of it. You can control how you look after your baby; you can control how you look after yourself; but you can’t necessarily control how your body looks or feels. 

Being a mum means having enough self love to let go of that past self, and embrace the new version of you.

Have patience with your body – and your mind

Today’s fitness industry is full of quick-fix promises and disappointed clients. Why? Because any lasting change takes time. If you want to get your “old” body back in just a few weeks or months, you are going to be sorely disappointed. 

To return to your most confident self, it is important to remind yourself that patience is key. Be confident with who you are today, not who you might be tomorrow; you’ll find that your patience is your greatest weapon against self doubt.

Improve your confidence in other aspects of your appearance!

If you still feel less confident about your appearance than you used to, there are other aspects you can focus on that don’t entail losing weight. These include…

  1. Your teeth. If you have always been a little self conscious about your teeth, why not invest in invisalign treatment to straighten them out?
  2. Your wardrobe. As new mums, it is easy to live each day in sweatpants, workout clothes and pyjamas. If that’s what makes you happy, you go girl! Some people, however, find that updating their wardrobe boosts their confidence inside and out.

If you want to regain body confidence as a mum, there are so many ways without just focusing on your weight. 

This is a collaborative post.

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